Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ghouls, goodies, and Amaroq turns five!

Wow! Didn't realize so much time had passed since our last posting. Busy here in the city. Preparing for the arrival of Winter. Thankful for the lack of debilitating snow and cold temperatures, but nervously anticipating the fury of the Old Blizzard Wizard!

 Have a few pictures from two months back. Nicolette and I traveled to Omaha/Lincoln, NE to visit family and celebrate my nephew, Amaroq's fifth birthday! He wisely requested a costume party. What follows is visual evidence, but first I have to include this:

Having breakfast with my nephew Colin. He visited early October with my eldest sister Laura.

Backyard Table Spread

Grandma Janet, Hauke, and Bah Jerby

These two are the greatest comedians and cuddlers.

Amaroq shows his age (five) and first tooth lost!

Aunt Nickie gives a little color to the talons of Hauke.

Wooo, so nice...

A spirited game of Uno in the afternoon. Amaroq holds his deck opposite the playing pile.

The Roq swings for the trees!

Hauke and Uncle Logan tossing back a few.

Hauke, happily retrieving all grounders.

Shady ladies.

Batman and the Joker.

Banner by Jocelyn and Nicolette. Colorfully awesome job!

Love this photo! Baking cupcakes.

Decorated the walkway to the party with seasonal ghouls.

Had to get some mini-bike action in while the weather was so nice.

We made up a game, Garden-Snake-Round-Up!

Rules are straightforward...

Don't get caught or you'll get hosed!

A tier of creepy cupcakes.


Party people.

Party people too!

Bobbin' and robbin'...

Amaroq shows us the great pinata his mom, Jocelyn mached and painted.

Dig it!

Perfect costume find by Nicolette!

Actually both costumes were gems.

This pumpkin is cooling his gourd.

Up it goes!

Critical beat down. Henry the tiger roars with joy!

I can honestly say that a whole lotta fun was had by all. Look forward to visiting at the end of this month/year.

We also traveled to Cedar Rapids, IA for the Thanksgiving holiday and Columbus, OH the week after. No photos though, so I guess it didn't really happen. 

Until later!