Sunday, October 30, 2011

saturday costume making and halloweenie party at Taylor and Carolyn's. backyard fire barrel, scary movie projections, and a very cute beagle with wings.

chatting with the kids

Sunday, October 23, 2011

heading to OHIO tomorrow to see my mom and families and emily moorhead!! <3

weekend ~ loves

we finally had a sunny clear and cool Saturday after a few rainy windy days. we three were very content.

made a delicious Saturday lunch of pizza and salad- using all of our leftover farmers market veggies.

we tried our hand at popping popcorn on the stove- since we left our microwave behind in KS. we were giggling and shouting the whole time as the popping was out of control and the lid started to lift!!
so much fun!!

we also skyped with this handsome 4 year old guy on his birthday. we were the only virtual guests at his party- and YES we did sing happybirthday from two states away. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crit made the most of the couch situation- while aaron jacked the main cushion.
Logan and I made delicious whole wheat pizza with marinara, onion, fresh local tomatoes, and potato slices.
View from my at home studio. New work includes a plexi etching- can't wait to print and see where it goes.